Highlights The Malliard Report

Interview with John Kiriakou: Whistleblowing, the CIA, and a Long Legal Battle



Kiriakou’s whistleblowing led to a long legal battle with the US government, during which he served a total of 23 months in prison. He was the first CIA officer to be jailed in connection with the US government’s torture program. On the Malliard Report, we recently had the pleasure of interviewing John Kiriakou about his experiences with the CIA, his whistleblowing, and his views on the importance of informing the public about government actions. During the interview, he discussed his CIA career, the consequences of exposing the truth, and the importance of whistleblowing in a democracy. Kiriakou also offered his insights on how the CIA can be reformed and how the US government can protect whistleblowers from retribution. The Malliard Report has been covering the CIA and its activities for many years. Our interview with John Kiriakou is the latest in a series of interviews with whistleblowers and former CIA officers. By listening to these stories, we hope to shed light on the CIA’s activities and provide a be