Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring Scientific Skepticism with Brian Dunning



The Malliard Report is a weekly podcast hosted by Jim Malliard that focuses on the paranormal, the unexplained, and the unusual. Malliard interviews guests from all sorts of backgrounds - from scientists and skeptics to paranormal investigators and comedians. In this episode of The Malliard Report, Jim Malliard interviews Brian Dunning about his work in scientific skepticism, his journey to uncovering the truth, and the importance of science-based research. Brian discusses his experience with debunking pseudoscience and explaining the truth behind the mysteries. He explains the importance of scientific skepticism, why it is important to question everything, and how we can apply scientific skepticism to our own lives. Brian also gives insight into his books, documentaries, and podcasts, and how he has been able to use these outlets to educate people about science-based skepticism. He talks about the importance of staying informed and providing evidence-based information, and how we can all work together to s