Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the World of Cryptids with Brian Seech



Brian Seech has a passion for researching cryptids and various other unknowns, is the Research Coordinator for the Center for Unexplained Events, and is a facilitator for one of the largest and longest-running paranormal conventions in the Pennsylvania area. All of these credentials make Brian the perfect guest for the Malliard Report’s newest episode about cryptids. Cryptids are mysterious creatures that are rumored to exist, but for which there is no scientific evidence. In this episode, Brian will discuss his own research into cryptids, as well as share his thoughts on why cryptids remain an enduring mystery. He will also explain the different categories of cryptids, and provide his advice on how to go about researching them. Listeners will have the opportunity to ask Brian questions, and find out what it takes to become a successful cryptid researcher. Brian will also be discussing the Center for Unexplained Events and their upcoming convention in Pennsylvania, which will feature some of the top cryptid