School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#220 "My Kids Are Fighting So Much!" How to Put and End to Fighting -- For Good



"I'm feeling sooooo burnt out of motherhood... My kids are fighting so much. Last week we did a 'no fighting' challenge for 7 days. They did pretty well and each got a prize. This week has been a total dumpster fire. I keep circling back to me. Making sure I am good, but I'm just not. I feel so drained at the end of my day after so much fighting. Any advice?" We get it. Fighting is exhausting -- mentally, emotionally, and physically. It takes away from family and personal productivity and peace. How do we best handle it and put an end to it -- for good? And is it actually possible? In this episode, we outline the strategies we use from the Pyramid of Peace to 'help things go right' in order to prevent problems and fighting AND how to 'fix what's gone wrong' when fighting actually occurs (which is rare when you spend 80-90% of your time and energy 'helping things go right'.) We'll show you how to basically eliminate fighting in your family -- for good