Conversations With Cinthia

More Than A Wedding



Today Cinthia discusses the Wedding at Cana (John2:1-11) during which Jesus performed His first miracle on earth.  The fact that Jesus performed His first miracle at a family event – a wedding, specifically – and at the request of a family member, has significance.  The Bible calls Jesus the Bridegroom and the Church His Bride.  God loves and values family, and we are His family.  However, this account also shows us Jesus as a man (yes, also God, but still a man) and a son and family member.  It gives great insight into gender issues, as well as our approach to God and His to us.  So how did Jesus respond as a man to His female family member? Jesus, as a male human being with a male brain, gave an initial response that indicated the problem Mary described was not naturally significant to Him in His role as a wedding guest.  Cinthia explored several translations and paraphrases of His response, all of which seemed to indicate that He did not see the problem as one He needed to solve as a human attending someon