Table Talk

376: How you could help fix the global food system



"We have a growing population, lots of changes in the climate, lots of greenhouse gas emissions which are jeopardising our food production, and we are at risk of not being able to feed the world." Natalia Falagán, Lecturer in Food Science and Technology, Cranfield University, succinctly sets out some of the major issues the world is facing, and why students are queuing up to enrol on her courses. Enthusiasm for the subject is key, she says, and students "will get that enthusiasm and passion back from the lecturers". In this episode of the Career Conversations podcast series, made in partnership with Cranfield University, we delve into the detail of what the courses cover and how they can set students on the path to a rewarding career. Cranfield's Masters in Future Food Sustainability is described as taking a whole system approach to solving some of the biggest challenges facing the global food system. Natalia says usually food people look at food, energy people look at energy, and water people look at wa