Everyday Driver Car Debate

484: Tastes Like America, Must Be Lively, Apropos Of Nothing



If you’re moving to another country, is it a requirement to own a car native to that particular nation as part of your enthusiast experience? The guys debate this for Aviv from Israel, and then suggest blue-sky fun car ideas for Noah in Wisconsin. Social media questions ask about rotary engines, swapping the Phaeton and Quattroporte, and how long do you wait for a driver to get out of your way before passing them on the right? Season 6 is now airing on the Motor Trend cable channel, and soon to be available on Amazon Prime and Vimeo worldwide. Rate and review us on iTunes, the Everyday Driver show on IMDB and Amazon, and write to us with your Topic Tuesday discussions and podcast debates at everydaydrivertv@gmail.com or everydaydriver.com. Share the podcast with your fellow car enthusiast friends!