Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Give Yourself Some Grace - WN 038



I ended the last episode of the Write Now podcast (#037) with the concept of giving yourself some grace. I ended up thinking about that concept for a long time after that, so decided to give grace its own episode. I hope you enjoy it here in Episode 038. My deep, dark secret. No, I'm not Batman. Let's just get that out of the way. My deep, dark secret is that often I don't like myself very much. Maybe you feel like this sometimes, too. Or a lot of the time. You see, I never feel like I'm quite enough. I'm never thin enough, tall enough, fashionable enough, smart enough, motivated enough, or driven enough. I don't clean my house enough and I'm certainly not wealthy enough. I don't write enough. I have really, really high standards for myself and the work I do. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself. But it can have troubling echoes throughout your life. SET ALL THE GOALS??? Recently, I made the mistake of taking a leadership course that focused on setting (and achieving) goals. The course essenti