Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Your New Year's Writing Resolution - WN 032



It's the most wonderful time of the year! Let's take a look at New Year's resolutions specifically for writers in episode 032 of the Write Now podcast. Make & keep your New Year's resolution. Let's be honest -- we are not part of the 8% of the populace that actually sticks to a New Year's resolution. For most of us, a New Year's resolution is lucky to last through the third week of January. And many of us, I'm sure, see New Year's resolutions as dumb, hypocritical, or useless. But maybe this year we can use the idea of a New Year's resolution to improve ourselves as writers. 8 tips for making and keeping your New Year's resolution: Keep it positive. Make it realistic and focus on just one thing. Make sure it's something you actually want to do. Establish a way to hold yourself accountable. Set baby-step goals and celebrate every time you reach one. Remember, you're establishing a new habit and that is hard. Set the stakes, if you need to. Start before January 1! (Yes, you can do that!) Remember to