Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Creating A Space For Writing - WN 014



Help support this podcast! >> YOU GUYS it has been a while. But I am back, and the foam on my delicious cappuccino is as fluffy and delightful as the suds in an angel's bathtub. (Is that weird? Maybe that's weird. But it's TRUE.) Anyway, I'm glad you're here. Where do you write? It surprises me sometimes -- where I am able and where I am unable to write. Can you write anywhere? Or do you have certain objects, snacks, or environmental enhancements (whatever that means) that you need to be able to write? The conditions can never really be perfect, I've found. BUT. If they could be perfect... Sarah's perfect writing environment: Large flat wooden desk for handwriting, brainstorming, and doodling. Plenty of paper, pens, and pencils to alleviate scarcity anxiety. Plants. Plants everywhere. Comfortable upright chair (too comfortable or slouchy and I will fall asleep). A window. Perfect silence -- or, if that's not realistic, lyric-less music to drown out sound. A soft rain or snow. Coffee-accessible. My own