Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

How to Write When You Don't Feel Like Writing - WN 008



Help support this podcast! >> If you're looking for episode eight of the "Write Now" podcast, you've come to the right place. OR SHOULD I SAY THE WRITE PLACE BAH HA HA HA HAAA haaaaaaaaa I'm such a dork. I probably should be writing, but I just don't feel like it. There are days when it's hard to even think about writing. I know -- I've been there. (In fact, I may or may not be there right now.) It's so easy to feel disheartened or stupid or restless or any of those other thousand things that can keep you from writing. But I've come up with a decision tree you can follow that will help you start writing and keep going on even the worst days (or to know when it's time to get the rest you need). 1. Enter your writing space. Shut the door and sit down. 2. Honestly assess how you feel. If you are actually exhausted, go to sleep. But if you are simply feeling lazy (i.e., if you feel a tinge of guilt or regret when you think about ditching your writing session), then you need to write. 3. Create a "journal" file on