School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#221 Specific Strategies & Tools to Make Your Marriage Good, Better, Great & EXTRAORDINARY



At work, home, family life, and marriage, it’s easy to blame the circumstances of life or to say ‘That’s just the way things are’… But the reality is that we’re often participating in, perpetuating, or creating our own chaos in marriage and family life — but that means we also have the power to prevent it with intentional planning and preparation. Of course, many couples and parents think “I don’t have time to be intentional and strategic like you’re describing. Our life is so crazy busy!” But if you don’t take the time now to prepare, you’ll be FORCED to take the time later to repair. There IS a better way. You don’t need to wait until your marriage is in crisis or on the verge of divorce. There are intentional action steps you can take TODAY to make your marriage better now. And if you already have a good or great marriage, then there are intentional actions and strategic strategies you can use to make it EXTRAORDINARY.  Listen to this episode now for specific tips, strategies, and tactics we have used ours