Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

What Happy Couples Know | Part 3 | Sometimes You Have to Throw Things | Chris Voigt



Sometimes You Have To Throw Things What Happy Couples Know April 30, 2023 The Apostle Peter was a fisherman. And though he fished with nets, rather than contemporary rods and reels, he was an expert at casting. He knew that to accomplish that he wanted (a haul of fish) he had to cast those nets with all of his strength. You couldn’t just let them slip into the water beside the boat. You have to fling ‘em with everything you’ve got! Which, interestingly, is another definition for the word ‘cast’ - “to throw something forcefully in a specified direction.” We are in week 3 of our 4-week series, What Happy Couples Know. We’re unpacking principles for nurturing healthy marriages specifically, but these principles apply equally to the success of any healthy relationship! I invite you to join us, regardless of your relationship status. This week, we’re gonna learn that sometimes, you just have to throw things! In his first letter to the early church, former fisherman, now apostle Peter writes to “cast all your care