Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

149 Fair or Grace?



FAIR… When people say, “I just want what's fair.” They are saying you haven’t been fair to them or they think you are getting ready to take advantage of them in a business deal, a family situation, or something else... you fill in the blank. Chris Voss says “fair” is a word of “power “.  The person who used it first has the power, unless you know how to turn it around by asking, “Fair?” and letting them talk more. Check out his book “Never Split The Difference” and look up his chapter on the word FAIR. In reality few things are “fair”. Life is not fair. However, we would not like it if it were! What I prefer is mercy and grace. Mercy and Grace is what God showed us through His Son Jesus on the cross. He died in our place! That was not fair, but that was love, AGAPE LOVE. Mercy and Grace come out of Love. They do not come from “fair”.  This world is not fair. So how do we help students and their families understand “fair” when it comes to God, when there is so much suffering in the world? It's important that o