The Buddhist Centre

372: Working in an Online Team: A Buddhist Perspective



This podcast features the Dharmachakra team - who bring you The Buddhist Centre Online website and platform, Free Buddhist Audio, podcasts like this one, event coverage, technical support and more besides! As part of an online practice week in August some of this team gathered to talk about the Dharma and how they practice it in the context of their lives - in particular, in a busy, online 'team-based right livelihood', working with other Buddhists, bringing in ethics, meditation and (hopefully!) wisdom. Here we have four members of that team: Candradasa based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in the U.S., Sadayasihi in Dublin, Ireland, and Kamalavajra (then Will) and Jay both based in Bristol, UK, talking about how that practice week went, why they've chosen to work as part of a Buddhist team, exploring the virtual nature of their team and their wish-list for what could be next! From the importance of having a sense of the mythic while engaged in work, to the joy of getting glimpses into others' lives, to the