
How different can our Worship Services really be?



Hosts, Joshua Noel and TJ Blackwell, are joined by Charleston Southern University's professor of worship, Andrew Lucius, to wrap up our "Church Services" series! How important are our worship in song portions of our Church services? Should we have hymns sang throughout our services, or should we do more modern worship at the beginning of our services? Is there a preferred structure for worship in our Churches? How should our Churches choose worship songs and worship leaders? Is it important to see how worship is done in Catholic Churches, Liturgical Protestant settings, and non-liturgical settings? How should we think of more contemporary Christian music? What theology is taught in our songs? How should worship leaders prepare for service? We ask all this and more in this one! Join in our conversations on our Discord Server and Facebook group!.Check out our upcoming convention and buy your tickets now for in-person or online! out our online store:the