Women Seeking Wholeness

210: Shadow to Light: Shifts in Consciousness



What emotional patterns live beneath the surface of our conscious awareness…lurking in the shadows, impacting mood states, thoughts and behavior… and how do we shift them? The idea of shadow work can feel scary, yet it’s the key to our liberation on multiple levels. Shifts only happen as we are fully inhabiting our bodies, in the present moment, with direct attention -- NO dissociation. So, how do you do this… if you’re in fear?    First, you create safety through calming your nervous system; in fact, this whole healing & transformation she-bang involves nervous system regulation. Learn about “hacking your nervous system” via some real-life somatic practices in this compelling interview with Jenelle Annette, who specializes in inner healing work for women, including shadow work, inner child healing, ancestral trauma, & authentic relating. Jenelle has worked alongside world-class mentors, shamans and teachers. Find her Instagram: @ jenelleannette    Spiritual Bypassing: the avoidance of negative emot