School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#222 How Sugar Contributes to Disease & How to Give it Up FOR GOOD



As part of the 28-Day Challenge we ask participants to choose one food to give up. Some choose sugar. But it’s not always easy to give it up. As one mom said: “…the sweet tooth got the best of me.  I don’t drink soda and haven’t had a donut in two years; those our out.  I don’t eat things with corn syrup, and I mostly use olive and coconut oils.  But every time I decide, no more sugar, I can almost feel my brain go into panic mode.  And it’s like a wave of dessert ideas comes in and the ability to resist seems impaired.  I want to lose weight, but it feels like Mount Everest is in front of me.  If “the obstacle is the way”, I am not sure how to proceed here.  I know that eventually I get mad enough and then I am strong enough to resist sugar for a good few months.  But I want to make it the lasting change and TRAIN my brain to love NOT getting the sugar fix.” If you’ve ever felt the desire to improve your overall health and well-being and lose weight by eliminating sugar and replacing it with healthier alte