Table Talk

319: How the world of nutraceuticals is evolving



For the past few years, nutraceuticals have been a wild success story.   Whatever a customer has needed, there has been a team of researchers, product developers and marketeers bringing new solutions to aid gut health, sleep, mood, immunity, sports performance, and so on. During the pandemic, when we all became more focused on our health, the sector continued to innovate. So as we move into a time where the world is opening up, where we perhaps have a different perspective on our personal and collective health, which areas in nutraceuticals are seeing the most demand?   It is a question worth asking, because nutraceuticals are big business. And the people who can spot consumer trends and shifts in the market, will flourish. Gauging the size of the market though, is difficult. There are so many different types of products that fall into the category, it is tricky to quantify exactly how big it is. But it is clear that it is growing and it is growing across multiple sectors of society. Covid-19 changed a