An Irishman Abroad

Crisis Averted Or Crisis Postponed? Rudy, Harry, Ron & Don - Irishman In American



Were Harry and Meghan in a two hour car chase from the paparazzi or is this actual fake news? Marion weighs up the possibilities before moving on to the other near catastrophes of the week including the debt ceiling, Rudy Giuliani's legal troubles and the expiration of Title 42.  What’s going to happen with the debt ceiling? Will the US Government come to a solution in time or are Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden in the wrong place at the wrong time? Is can kicking the new national sport of America or will this recurring crisis ever be solved once and for all? The orange lead knows a thing or two about postponing an impending crisis even if that means flushing the documents relating to it down the jacks! What’s happening with the many lawsuits upcoming for former President Donald Trump? His best lawyer Tim Parlatore has had enough and left his legal team for good.  As time passes is the case against Trump over classified documents indefensible? Marion breaks it down. It's a crisis that has been a long time coming