Liquid Church

What Dreams Do You Have For Your Children? | Mother’s Day 2023



What dreams do you have for your children? To do well in school? To fit in? To conquer their social anxiety? What happens when your dreams for your kids don’t come true?  For instance, you want them to do well in school, but instead you find they’re not meeting milestones. Their reading is going slower than other kids. They’re not performing well in math. The tutoring you arranged isn’t helping them. On Mother’s Day, we look for an example in the Bible and we find Hannah - a woman wanting desperately to become a mother and her approach was this: She prayed, she believed, and she waited.  And Hannah didn’t just pray quiet prayers, she unloaded on God! She didn’t hold anything back and told Him exactly what she felt: pain, hurt, anguish, and disappointment. Guess what, you can do the same! Our God would rather have you yell at Him in disappointment than stay silent in defeat. Take your pain to God, because He can handle it and he cares. Then, turn your child over to God. Release those expectations you have. Rel