Remanned: Restoring Manhood

Walter Sellers: "Beasting In Business and the Gym: Achieving Work-Life-Fitness Balance"



Episode Summary: "We all have 24 hours in a day. The question is not whether you have time or not. The question is how you manage your time. Men lose 3% of bone density annually" - Walter Sellers As Black Men, life can be a constant hustle, with demands pulling us in every direction. But let me tell you, finding that sweet spot of world-life fitness balance is where the real magic happens. It's about being a boss in all areas of life: career, family, health, and personal growth. It's about carving out the time and energy to invest in ourselves, while still taking care of business. Think about it, bro. We excel in so many areas, but sometimes we neglect our own well-being. We pour our heart and soul into our careers, providing for our loved ones, and making a difference in our communities. But what about us? What about our physical and mental health? It's time to make ourselves a priority too. Get moving: Find an activity that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. Hit the gym, go for a run, p