
(LIVE) What are "Group Spiritual Disciplines"?



As part of our EVERY TRIBE, (denomi)NATION, & TONIGUE convention, we discussed whether we experience God more in our private prayer ties or in group settings! This conversation took a turn and ended up focusing more on how we can be better disciplined in our communal worship through fellowship, song, sacraments, foot washing, accountability, fasting, fund raising, silence &solitude, and more! How do you most experience God? Are there any times and places where His presence is more clear to you? How do we experience God in everyday life? What does experience of God mean? What does the Bible say about experiencing God? What is the spiritual discipline? What are the three traditional spiritual disciplines? What are essential spiritual disciplines? Why is prayer important on our own or in a group? And what could change if we made it a priority to do these spiritual practices in a group? Join in our conversations on our Discord Server and Facebook group!.Check out all shows on the AMP Network:https://anaza