Marketing Impact

Podcast Monetization - How to Make Money From Podcasting



Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting is on to talk monetization of podcasts. We go through all possible methods of how to make money with a podcast including having a subscription model, donations, advertising, and affiliate marketing. Dave gives some great tips on how to grow your audience and how to add value for a better return on investment. Show Links: Ultimate Guide to Making Money Through Podcasting School of Podcasting School of Podcast (podcast) Ultimate Podcasting Course Dave’s Podcasting Equipment List About Dave Jackson: Dave has been podcasting since April of 2005. His podcast about podcasting has been downloaded over 3.1 million times (as of 2022). He’s helped hundreds of people launch podcasts. Before podcasting, he used his degree in education (specializing in technical education) to harness the power of hardware and software (going back to fax machines and this new thing called e-mail and the Internet). He is the founder of The School of Podcasting, a podcast that helps people discov