Igniting Souls Podcast With Kary Oberbrunner

How To Stare Fear in the Face and Turn Your Courage Into Commitment with Chris Hallman



I had the honor of interviewing one of the most amazing people on the planet today, Christopher Hallman. In the past, some people have told him to give up trying to be a speaker. Many people have only viewed him as "disabled." By "accident" I met him last month in Florida. Someone pushed his wheelchair up to the microphone during a Q and A session with hundreds of professionals in the room. He asked the global leader, "How can a young disabled man add value to other people?" It took him a long time to get the words out. But when he finished, the whole room erupted into a standing ovation.  Some people cried. All were deeply impacted. Chris' courage had transformed us in a matter of minutes. He imparted a rare boldness into each of us. Our excuses and self-limiting beliefs eroded.  After the session I found his mom and said, "Chris must speak at the Igniting Souls Conference. Please can he? Our people need his courage." When it comes to courage and conquering your fear, Chris Hallman is a true inspiration.