Igniting Souls Podcast With Kary Oberbrunner

Better to take a shot or run sprints?



My daughter was in this girl's basketball clinic recently. The coach gathered the girls together and told them that my daughter was going to throw two free throws. He told them they had a choice to either run two sprints right now and she doesn't have to shoot any. If she makes one and misses one, they have to run five sprints. If she misses both, they have to run 10 sprints. And if she makes both, they don't have to run any. Then he asked how many of them wanted her to shoot. About half of them raised their hands. The other have didn't think she could do it. She actually made both shots. But what a great lesson to teach these girls that they need to "bet" on their team mates. He's putting his players in game time situations. Are you "betting" on your team mates or even yourself? Do you think you can make the free throw? If you need more info on how to become unhackable in business and in life, get my free masterclass at https://www.elixirprojectexperience.com.