Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Is It Wrong to Admit You're a Phony? | Church 5/21/23



Light does not fight with darkness (abortion). Felt angry: Did I really forgive? Is it wrong to admit you're a phony? Do you have a reason to live? Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, May 21, 2023 — Jesse opens talking about Johnny Carson's life trying to get his mother's love, and never receiving it. There is no love in the world. Anyone with anger is R-worded and insane. In blindness, pro-lifers protest abortion. But light does not fight with darkness. Parents correct children in the wrong way.  //  One woman felt anxious and lonely in the world this week, asking: Are we supposed to do anything about evil? She felt inwardly angry, and asked: Did I really forgive? She thought: "I sinned." But it's not you telling yourself that — you went unconscious. A clue that you've drifted from reality: You think about the past or future.  //  Biblical Question: Is it wrong to admit to yourself that you are a phony? Everyone on earth is a phony. Everything we're taught is phony. Parents should live it as an example,