

Meet the business behind the name. In 2009, Simon Sinek gave a TED Talk that has since become one of the most-watched videos of all time on, with 37 million plus views. His talk spurred NY Times best-selling books, speaking engagements, consulting gigs with globally-recognized brands, a podcast, a publishing arm, and viral quotes shared across social media. And it all started with the question–why?  Listen to Nathan and Simon discuss: What he learned from growing up internationally  Why he fell out of love with his first business Finding his why concept and sharing it with others How his time with military leaders inspired Leaders Eat Last Why there’s no such thing as “winning business” Why optimism Building a business around a personal brand What’s the most important thing for an entrepreneur  And much more advice on purpose… To learn more about Sinek’s principles, check out his books, or visit Who do you want to see next on the podcast? Comment and let us know! And don'