Foundr Magazine Podcast | Learn From Successful Founders & Proven Entrepreneurs, The Ultimate Startup Podcast For Business

441: How to Build Life-Changing Business Relationships with Dr. Adam Bandelli



Do you want to be a great leader? Do you want to build life-changing relationships with your team, customers, and colleagues? Then this is the episode for you. Dr. Adam Bandelli is a business psychologist whose childhood love for athletics motivated him to study great teams and leaders. After earning his doctorate in industrial-organizational psychology, he spent 15 years consulting on succession plans, working with boards, and coaching CEOs. Then he started a firm in 2015 called Bandelli & Associates. His firm focuses on consulting with CEOs and senior executives on hiring and onboarding senior talent, executive coaching, and executive education and learning. Bandelli is also the author of two books Relational Intelligence and What Every Leader Needs.  Listen to Nathan and Adam discuss:  Industrial-organizational psychology The 4 differentiators of his firm 3 things that make leaders great 5 keys to building life-changing relationships The leadership “mirror test” The 5 Cs of building trust Emotional