School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#224 How (& WHY) to Have Sex 3-6 Times a Week EVEN with Kids, Businesses, Homeschool, Jobs, Activities, and More



This episode would not be complete without listening to these episodes as well: What Wives Need to Know About Their Husband's Sex Drives And What Men Need to Know About Themselves Sex-quel Follow-Up Episode with Rachel Denning ⁠Husbands, How to ACTUALLY Listen to Your Wives (And Why She Needs It)⁠ Masturbation & Cheap Sexual Acts are a Poor Substitute for Real Connection -- A Message for Teens & Spouses This episode was in response to a question we received: I just listened to one of your trainings and you guys mention having sex 4-7 times a week. If there is a podcast or a training on this somewhere please direct me to it. I’m a morning person and my husband is a night owl. I wake up at 4 and go to bed at 9 he wakes up at 8 and goes to bed at midnight. I have 6 kids and homeschool and do my business on the side. How do you create time to do it that many times?