Just In Health Podcast

The Best Natural Ways To Address Skin And Histamine Issues | Podcast #390



The Best Natural Ways To Address Skin And Histamine Issues - Live Podcast | Podcast #390 Schedule a FREE Consult: http://www.justinhealth.com/free-consultation Podcast Transcription: Coming soon... Products: Ketomojo blood sugar meter: http://www.justinhealth.com/ketomojo Headsup Health free sign up: http://www.justinhealth.com/headsup Timestamp: 01:48 - Topical Remedies 03:19 - Histamine - Gut Connection 05:13 - Molds, Antigens and Anti-Histamine 09:45 - Low Stomach Acidity 10:49 - Other Symptoms 13:55 - Functional Medicine Remedy Approach 16:31 - Mold Toxicity 21:57 - Adrenals Description: In this week's episode, we delve into the fascinating world of skin and histamine from a functional medicine perspective. We begin by exploring the skin's multifaceted role as a barrier, a detoxification organ, and a direct reflection of our internal health. Then we shift to the topic of histamine, a crucial immune system messenger, often misunderstood and overlooked, that can significantly impact our skin and overall hea