Elite Expert Insider

Navigating Business Setbacks: Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson's Guide to Recovery



Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, discuss the realities of business setbacks and how to recover from them. From unexpected account suspensions to revenue loss during challenging times, they share personal experiences and discuss strategies for overcoming obstacles and thriving in the face of adversity. What You’ll Learn in this Episode: How to pivot your business. How to learn what you can control. How to rely on something that isn't in control. Quotes: "What you have to do is think kind of outside the box of what you can control." (04:46) "Usually if one door closes, another door always opens, look for the door. Just remember, don't plan to stay in that hallway long and keep your eyes open for those doors to open 'em up and find out where the new path is for you to go and stay positive." (14:21) "It just goes to show like whatever you're doing, If you're relying on something that's not in your control, like Google or Instagram or Amazon, then you have to be able to pivo