Ba Teen Cast

The Hiker and Tennille: Trevor Thomas on The Trail By Deborah Kendrick,



The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. (music) The Hiker and Tennille: Trevor Thomas on The Trail Deborah Kendrick, for AFB Access World Magazine When Trevor Thomas lost his sight 10 years ago, he heard a lot about all the things he could no longer do. Most of those "can'ts" involved the activities he had loved best all his life. Since boyhood, Thomas had immersed himself in what he calls extreme sports. At age 3, he started skiing. Over time, his activity dance card included hiking, mountain biking, racing Porsches, sky diving, and more. Sometimes, he pursued the sports he loved in the company of others, sometimes not. The constant was his love of risk-taking and testing limits, particularly the limit of his own physical endurance. Then, a rare autoimmune disease changed the game. Overnight, he was significan