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Unique, Not Different



Unique, Not Different by The Century Times · March 8, 2016 Century College, white bear lake, MN Hannah Harriman | Staff Writer I am a student who happens to be blind. As the first of soon-to-be several blind and visually impaired students attending Century College, I want to make the student body aware of what blind people are capable of and the minor adaptations that we use. I navigate the halls using a cane, read Braille, and do homework on a laptop that has screen-reading software. I can do anything you can, with minor adaptations. That makes me unique, not different. I am totally blind, have some hearing loss, and mild Cerebral Palsy, but with minor accommodations, I can do anything you can, except perhaps drive a car. Although this campus is hard for anyone to get around, I have had much practice and training learning my way around here. Now, I can get anywhere on campus, although sometimes I will ask for assistance, mainly because my Cerebral Palsy has caused me to veer. Like you, I don’t know my