Ba Teen Cast

BlindAbilitiesPresents - The Quest For Culinary Competency, A Documentary About Eating As A Blind Person #BATeenCast Channel on AudioBoom



Blind Abilities Presents an in depth exploration of the topic of Eating as a blind person. Join Pete Lane as he shares audio input from a number of members of the blindness community around food and eating: the mundane, yet crucial task with which they must cope on a daily basis. You have never heard such a musical and humorous peak into the challenges of this independent living skill, Eating as a blind person, on our Quest For Culinary Competency! Additional training resources can be found as follows: * - Hints for easier eating and pouring * Pitt Vision Studies - 05, Basic Techniques For Eating (YouTube) * - Pass The Manners, by Barbara Pierce * - Mealtime Skill Webinar * Pitt Vision Studies - Eating Seminar For Rehabilitation Professionals (YouTube) #Lane7625 #JThompson6835 Blind Abilities is a community of Blind, DeafBlind and Low vision members sharing experiences and offering advice when needed. Together we share each o