Ba Teen Cast

BlindJoe: The future Is Bright #BATeenCast



Good Morning everybody once again we're with Blind Joe. Blind Joe how are you doing this morning? Doing fantastic and how are you all doing? Excellent. Jeff Thompson is with me. Morning Jeffrey. Ah did we lose him? Am I here again? Ah Jeff your back. [Laugh] Alright. I am doing good. How are you guys doing? Excellent Jeffrey. Great man. Well we're chatting with Blind Joe after his final performance on the NBC show The Voice. Yeah I did a little song called ìMama's don't let your babies grow up to be nervous" [Laugh] Talk a little bit about how that went and how you feel about it. Ah man, you know, I think vocally it was alright, differently not my best performance, I was a little under the weather I was having some throat issues and I was definitely nervous as always. I think a combination of being under the weather and the nerves really got to me. You know, I am not proud of the performance but I think Blake made the right decision. Yeah, I mean it's disappoint