Ba Teen Cast

Blind Abilities Presents: Robin Ennis: Overcoming Obstacles Through Blindness By @Walking_TheTalk #BATeenCast



(Transcript Below) Robin Ennis @Walking_TheTalk tells her story through blindness. Losing her eye-sight and facing her return to college, entering graduate school and facing the largest obstacle of gaining employment. Robin prevales through her determination and her ability to never give up on herself. #BATeenCast #College #Blindness #RobinEnis Transcript: [Music] Blind Abilities presents Robin Enis, Overcoming obstacles through blindness. We hope you enjoy. [Music] October is national disability employment awareness month. In recognition of this month I want to share with you my story through blindness. [Music] It all started in 2002 when I was 18 years old about to turn 19. My vision declined started with me having difficulty seeing the mass on the computer, 4-6 weeks later being barely able to count fingers. My eyesight was rapidly declining and there was nothing I could do to stop it and there was nothing I could do to bring it back. I did not know what future lies in front of me. Wou