Ba Teen Cast

QuickHit: Demo of KNFB Reader Grabbing Text Images off of Facebook



(Transcript Below) #QuickHit Demonstration of grabbing text images off of #Facebook and storing them into your camera roll and using #KNFBReader to extract the text. #BlindAbilities #BATeenCast #Voiceover #A11Y @BlindAbilities Transcript: [Music] Hey everybody, this is Jeff Thompson. I received a message from Rob Fishwick from England on Facebook. It was photographed actually it was three photographs of some text. It was an article that he wanted me to read and give my opinion on it. So how did I do it I used K and FB reader. Let me show you how. Here's the article. Rob Fishwick shared (inaudible) post with Laurie Thompson and Jeff Thompson. October 7 at 2:10 pm friends (inaudible) photos October 7, 5:05 am. Everyone at American tourist observations ellipsis (inaudible) no guns what do you think of gun list? Photo October 7 2015 phot October 7th 2015 photo October 7 2015. Double tap to interact with this story. All right there you go. You heard the three photographs at the end. So I a