Ba Teen Cast

People at Their Best... What Happens at Ski For Light, Doesn't Stay at Ski For Light



Transcript Below Christine writes about the wonderful volunteers supporting the Ski for Light program. Check out more about SkiForLight on the web at www.skiforlightorg And follow Christine Malecc on Audioboom and twitter @ChristineMalec Transcript [Music] Hey everybody on the Blind Abilities channel, thanks for following and today for through back Thursday Ah Jeff it's Tuesday We're featuring Christine Malec's post on ski for light. It's a great post and make sure you follow Christine Malec on Audio Boom and on Twitter @ Christine Malec. So without further ado here's her post. [Music] Hello, I'd like to read a blog post I wrote about this time last year. It's about an event called Ski for Light which you may have heard of. The post is titled "People at their best". On the desk in my treatment room rest a new ornament it's a trophy consisting of a ski tip set into a beautiful wooden base. On the inscription on the front declares it to be an award for second place in the women's snow s