Ba Teen Cast

Acknowledge The Elephant In The Room #BATeenCast



Career Corner is a program produced by the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network, part of State Services for the Blind and it is recorded for people who are blind or have reading disabilities. You can find complete programming of the Radio Talking Book at and the password is rtb. Your host for Career Corner is Anne Obst. (music) We turn now to the Working Strategies column in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, by Amy Lindgren, from August 16: Acknowledge the 'elephant in the room,' before it crowds you out I frequently hear from job seekers that they fear they were -- or will be -- turned down because of something that couldn't easily be discussed, such as being too old or too young compared with others on the team, or being very large in stature, or for having a personality that was notable in some way (very outgoing or taciturn, for example). These job seekers know going in they're different from the candidate the employer was anticipating. And yet they made it to the interview, so something