Ba Teen Cast

From The Pocket: Blindfolding People Doesn't Help Them Understand Blind People #BATeenCast



{Music} Blind Abilities presents: From the Pocket, a series where we bring you articles from the web using an app called Pocket which extracts the text and then seamlessly play back on the Voice Dream app. Today we bring you and article about Blind Folding Sighted People and does it help? {Music} Blindfolding People Doesn't Help Them Understand Blind People Written by BEN RICHMOND CONTRIBUTING EDITOR January 15, 2015 // 06:00 AM EST ​Sometimes walking a mile in someone else's shoes just puts you a mile further away from understanding his or her experience, or so a study out of the University of Colorado-Boulder could lead you to believe. Researchers there found that people who experienced simulated blindness were then more likely to perceive the blind as less capable of functioning independently. “Disability activists have long argued that simulations give a falsely negative view of disability,” the study's lead author, Arielle Silverman, told me. Silverman, a PhD candidate at CU-Boulder'