Ba Teen Cast

BA Cast: Erinn Pwns: Transition from High School to College to Abroad #BATeenCast Channel



Erinn Pwns tells her story from age 18 to 21 as she went from high school to a training school and on to college. She also went abroad learning and working. Below you will find a full text transcription of the podcast. You can follow Erinn @ErinnPwns on both twitter and Audioboom. BA Cast: Erinn Pwns: Making It Happen - Transition from High School to College to Abroad. {Music Intro} Blind Abilities presents Erinn Pwns. Making it happen. Her transition stage from high school to college and on. Hi, my name is Erinn, at the time of this recording I am in my mid-twenties and I live in Michigan. I was born totally blind with the exception of light perception. And the topic is regarding the transition period of time for the visually impaired from 18 to 21 years of age. So, I am here to share a little bit about my experiences during that period of my life. So, the summer before I graduated high school, I knew that I wasn’t going to be going to college right away, because it was agreed that I needed trai