Ba Teen Cast

I Am Not My Dog By Holly (Transcript in Description ) #BATeenCastChannel



The following podcast was created for customers of the Minnesota State Services for the Blind. more information on State Services and what they have to offer can be found at {Music Intro} I Am Not My Dog, A blog post by Holly and you can follow her posts at I Am Not My Dog Having a dog can be a good thing. For some, it is a smoother, more effective way of travel. For others the cane is by far the better option. Both are perfectly valid experiences, what works for one blind person doesn’t for another. I have come to loathe the perception that my life must have been awful before getting Isla. I think the media is partly responsible for this, feeding the mentality that guide dogs are always best. Cane users are seen as incompetent, or desperately lonely blind people who must be longing for a dog. That quite simply isn’t true. And just because a person might find guide dog travel better for them doesn’t mean they had no life before getting a dog.