Ba Teen Cast

Playing With Knives #BATeenCast



The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. (music) Playing with Knives, from Future Reflections, a publication of the National Federation of the Blind by Laura Martinez I was born in the city of Salvatierra in central Mexico. When I was very young I was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a form of cancer that attacks the retinas. After extensive treatments, I was free from cancer but had become totally blind. In Salvatierra, as in most of Mexico, there was no program to mainstream blind students. My only option was to attend the residential school for the blind in Mexico City. My parents didn't want to send me so far from home, and I didn't want to go to a boarding school. To me it sounded a lot like the hospital, and I'd had too much of hospitals already! Since I was home all day, I spent a lot of time with my mother. Alt