Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Now that I’ve seen you, I can’t unsee you



Possible reasons why people have difficulty seeing the change in someone else: Familiarity bias: People often have preconceived notions or mental images of others based on past experiences and interactions. These preconceptions can create a cognitive bias that makes it difficult to perceive changes in someone's behavior or character. Limited perspective: If someone has limited interactions or limited exposure to the person in question, they may not have enough information to notice significant changes. For example, if someone only sees a friend occasionally or hears about them through second-hand information, they may not be able to detect subtle or gradual changes. Confirmation bias: People tend to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs or expectations. If someone has a fixed perception of another person, they may unconsciously ignore or downplay evidence that contradicts their beliefs, making it difficult for them to see the changes that have occurred. Emotional attachment: Strong emotion