
BEVApod Newsflash: May 2023



Arundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional. Further information on each news item can be found at the following links:  Genetic testing for type 2 polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM2), myofibrillar myopathy (MFM) or Muscle Integrity Myopathy Use of animals in sport - BVA Live discussion Accusations IVC "placing profits before people" over jobs axe threat RCVS and BVCIS "Disability and Chronic Illness in Veterinary Work and Education"survey BEVA Trust reaches halfway target to fund power to Ukraine BEVA Sportive RCVS Academy "Starting Out" programme for VNs EVJ Article of the Week - Five- versus seven-day dosing intervals of extended-release injectable omeprazole in the treatment of equine squamous and glandular gastric disease" BEVA Council candidate nominations open Submissions invited for 14th International Equine Colic Research Symposium abstracts Scottish Regional Meeting Advanced Equine Behaviour Feeding the Surgical Patient A