Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

What Is Your Reason for Living? | Church 5/28/23



"Gay" friend? Don't know God's will. New girl: Angry mother, narcissist father. With a reason for living, you'll have a reason to die. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, May 28, 2023 CHURCH TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church small talk* 0:02:40 Welcome! Anybody work on their life?* 0:03:41 Easier to die or go to church?* 0:06:44 "gay" friend: We don't know God's will* 0:12:54 Do you realize Christ had no ego?* 0:15:10 Are you dying daily?* 0:17:37 Women can't lead themselves* 0:19:14 Hippies and vibrational states* 0:21:26 New girl: Anger like mom, narcissist dad, 80* 0:36:54 Friend hugged his mama, she got mad again* 0:38:35 New girl again: Mama loves her hell* 0:45:16 Joel Friday TV / Overcome anger and thoughts* 0:47:55 14yo girl and 38yo father* 0:53:51 JLP: Identity crisis story; Devil's cry "to God"* 0:59:44 (She broke out windows of ex-boyfriend)* 1:01:55 Biblical Q: What is your reason for living?* 1:19:17 How are you trying when you won't forgive?* 1:31:37 (Can't honor parents without forgiving)* 1