Liquid Church

How To Fight An Epidemic Of Loneliness



The majority of Americans today would say that no one in their lives really knows them well. We battle loneliness on a regular basis. Our relationships are an inch deep. So, what’s at the root of this? It’s our own insecurities. Our own brokenness. Because even though we all want to be known and loved, there’s something inside of us that makes us hesitate. We wonder if we’re actually loveable. So we keep a safe distance.  So, how did Jesus build relationships? His strategy was eating and drinking with others. Seriously, look at the Bible and all the meals Jesus had in community with others! Think of this as Biblical Hospitality. It’s the process of turning strangers into friends. And guess what? As Christ followers, we are called to this – to share food, and time, and space, and conversation with others around a table.  This is so much more than socializing. God’s table is a hospital. It’s where he performs surgery and administers medicine. It’s where isolation is healed. It’s where hearts are shared. If we w