School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#225 How to Help Your (Public or Homeschool) Kids Get a World-Class Education



No matter if you homeschool or send your kids to public or private school, YOU are responsible for the outcomes of their education. The first step is for YOU to define what EDUCATION means to you. Is it academic learning? Grades, tests, and ACT scores? Getting into the 'best' colleges. Or is it MORE than that? Does it include their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and financial development? If it doesn't, it should. What about experiences and exposure to people, places, and ideas? Too many people and students pursue academics at the expense of their mental, emotional, or relational development. They pursue 'book learning' at the expense of living in and experiencing the world. They develop negative sleep or eating habits in the pursuit of good grades. But this has a cost on their life as a HUMAN being -- not to mention their sense of purpose and fulfillment. If you're interested in helping your children to get an education that will benefit EVERY aspect of their youth an