Inventors Launchpad Network

STEs1e5 - The Shark Tank Effect Show Talks with Tiffany Krumins Entrepreneur Extraordinaire



Tiffany Krumins secured a $50,000 investment on the inaugural episode of Shark Tank, which aired on ABC in 2009. Tiffany's brainchild was inspired by a sweet-natured boy with Down syndrome who struggled to take medication. As his nanny, Tiffany tried her best to sooth his anxiety. With lightning creativity, she cobbled together fabric, sponges, and a plastic medicine dropper, and breathed life into her creation by imbedding a recordable sound chip from a greeting card. Ava the Elephant was born and is now one of Shark Tank's most well-known and beloved successes.    Seven years into Tiffany's entrepreneurial journey, she licensed her product to a larger brand. She found the ideal licensing partner in Baby Delight. Two years later, the brand would be acquired by Better Family, Inc.  The acquisition of Ava the Elephant allowed Tiffany to focus on the creative side of business again. Her newest venture, 'Opu Probiotics, is a mission-driven brand manufactured in her home state of Georgia.  Tiffany's infectious sp